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Click on the United in Serving link below to sign-up to help serve

If you need assistance signing up, please contact the church office at (701) 775-4279.

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 “United in Serving” opens the door to greater involvement for everyone at United by providing greater flexibility and online sign up.


As a community of faith, worship is at the heart of our life together.  Each week we come together to offer God our thanks, confess our sins and receive assurance of God’s forgiveness, listen to God’s life-giving Word, offer prayer, and celebrate God coming to us in the water, wine, and bread of the sacraments.  Centered in God’s love and grace in Jesus, we are sent from worship into the world to serve God by serving our neighbor.  When our community of faith gathers for worship, several serving roles are needed: ushers, readers, greeters, and communion servers. After worship we gather for conversation and of course some coffee and bars. Taking part in these serving roles is an opportunity to take your place in our worshiping community. 


We hope you’ll join in the work of serving in worship! 

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