United Lutheran Church Executive Board
Council President: Jim Bollman, Jr., ph: 701-775-4279, jnjbollman@midco.net
President-elect: Ross Hammer, ph: 701-775-4279, ross.hammer@eapc.net
Treasurer: Sarah C., ph: 701-775-4279; scannonjd@gmail.com
Everything that happens at United Lutheran happens through a Ministry. A Ministry is a group of people elected by the
congregation who coordinate and carry out activities and programs within their particular area of service.
The chairperson of each ministry also serves as a member of the United Lutheran Church Council.
Nikki Blilie, Chair
Fellowship Ministry is responsible for developing and promoting fellowship opportunities among the members of United Lutheran Church and the community at large.
Outreach and Wellness
Dawnn Morken, Chair
Outreach and Wellness Ministry communicates and promotes activities by the congregation regarding social concerns. They also oversee the mission budget of the congregation.
Spiritual Formation
Lori Marshall, Chair
Spiritual Formation Ministry seeks to equip the members of ULC to know, tell, and be the story of Jesus Christ.
Financial Resources
Lucas Kindseth, Chair
Financial Resources Ministry oversees all financial operations of the congregation. They advise the council on financial matters, put together an annual budget, and oversee stewardship.
Physical Property
Donna Pearson, Chair
Property Ministry cares for our building and church grounds.
Staff Support
Joel Walz, Chair
Staff Support Ministry is responsible for the appointment and supervision of the salaried and lay workers. It develops and recommends personnel policies to the church council and serves as liaison between church staff and congregation.
Kim Strom, Chair
Invitation Ministry encourages and organizes worship opportunities, encourages and integrates new members and develops publicity.
Search and Nominating
Sue Thompson, Chair
Search and Nominating Ministry seeks out persons willing to serve as offices and on ministries of the congregation by helping to identify the gifts and talents of members.
Youth and Family
Amber Hagadorn, Chair
Youth and Family Ministry develops programs for and promotes participation or youth and families in the activities of the congregation.
Worship with Us!
Sundays at 10:15am CT