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Our Worship services are accompanied by either our Casavant Freres Tracker action organ or our 9 foot Baldwin concert grand piano.  These fine instruments combined with a variety of other instruments provide a wonderful foundation for the congregational participation in Worship.


There are many opportunities to participate in the music ministry here at United Lutheran. Beginning with Sunday School music and progressing through the Cathedral Choir and Jubilee Handbells. Below you will find a description of our different music ensembles at United Lutheran.

​Sunday School Music --- Music and singing are incorporated into the program guided by Gretchen Kindseth. This includes Preschool through the 5th grade.


Sing and Ring ---  A youth choir for kids in grades 2-5 under the direction of Ruth Ann Tuseth.  We will have fun exploring vocal music, learning to play handchimes and percussion instruments (including Orff instruments).  The rehearsal time is Wednesday at 5:30 – 6:10pm during the school year in the Choir Room. 


The Jubilee Bells Choir --- This is our primary group of handbell ringers.  We meet in the balcony of the sanctuary in the choir area on Sundays at 6pm. The Jubilee Bells are under the direction of Caitlin Becks.  


The Cathedral Choir --- This choral group is open to anyone high school age and up who loves to sing.  We rehearse each Wednesday evening during the school year at 7:00pm in the choir room.  Under the direction of Michael Marcotte, we assist in leading Worship 2 or 3 Sundays each month and for special services throughout the year. We would love for you to come and join us!! 


The Sunday Worship Choir --- This group help to lead singing during worship when the Cathedral Choir has a Sunday off.  


The Wednesday Worship Team --- This is a group of musicians that helps to lead the music for the Wednesday evening worship services.  Anyone Confirmation age and over is encouraged to participate.  We would also welcome guitar players to join in!  


Instrumentalists --- On occasion we like to enhance music during worship with the addition of instruments.  If you play an instrument and would be willing to accompany hymns of choir selections on occasion, please contact the church office. 

Worship with Us!

Sundays at 10:15am CT

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